Friday, July 4, 2008

cantaba cantabas cantaba

Maybe it would be better for my spanish if I stopped reading or writing in english, thinking in english whenever possible for the rest of the month.
This blog would then suck indefinitely and I would feel ridiculously dumb. Obviously it's possible to know two languages at once, but which one do you dream in? Do they come together when you're sleeping and make a beautiful bilingual baby?
I woke up with the worst throat malady of my life and it dissipated in half an hour tops. Central America is full of wonders. I was thinking about it, and I realized I know pretty much nothing about South America at all. At all at all.
We boated to the adjacent panajachel in what could be described as the perfect opposite to a booze cruise. More like a boat being smuggled from Cuba, and then it was raining (which it actually doesn't sometimes in the morning) and the waves were punching the boat every few seconds in it's boaty face. How many wave punches can one smuggleboat take?
Pana is mostly made of bracelets, and those headband things people with dreds wear.
And so, perpetually damp, with awful hair, we distributed medical supplies to the local hospital and had killer chiles rellenos for dinner.
Instead of picking out bracelets for everyone specifically, I'm just going to buy like 10 different ones that I see along my travels and people with access to my arms can choose one they like.
I found one of those bracelets that has little wooden tiles with pictures of catholic saints, but one of the pictures is actually one I used to have in my room with an angel taking care of two children as they cross this absurdly difficult terrain of a broken bridge with nails and missing planks in a thunderstorm and foxes everywhere and their mother is dead and one of them has no teeth and they don't have toothbrushes or shoes or hands.
So, happy fourth. If you are my mother, please feed my turtles. I forgot to ask you to do that before I left.
My best to everyone at home, take care of yourselves and write me if you can.


dehaas5 said...

No worries darlin, turtles don't know what time it is either. Their random feedings and light on/off has them in a cadundrum (sp?) Neither is doing motionless back floating though. Sorry you had to fly so many miles to still not enjoy boating! A new family? What happened to the old fireman/teacher combo I so liked?

Cave Man Man said...

It's good to dream in spanish, I agree. You know you're truly fluent in the language when your skitzo friend won't speak english. just a thought.... I miss you mikele come home. well, don't come home, because you are being much more active out in the world, but for my own selfish desires, come home.

Bing said...

They do make a beautiful bilingual baby. I know this because I am an expert. Read in Spanish before you go to bed, that helps, and translate the songs stuck in your head into Spanish.
Basically in my dreams some people speak English and some people speak German-- they're pretty much like my life.