Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pues, todo es bueno

Oh man. I wish every last one of you were here with me. There is just too much natural beauty for me to take in alone. Even my camera is like "Nooooooo. It's way too green here for that."
On the whole, I am well-fed, ill-prepared, and taking shots at mother nature.
My favorite part of all of this is when I get a conversation going that's so easy that I breeze through it like cotton candy. Oh como estas? muy bien, muy bien. Granted, that does not happen very often.
Being at this place we're staying at in the nighttime hours is exceptionally like being at a socialites party, only people have much cooler stories to tell, and they help you translate pablo neruda whilst in the middle of a roaring (gnarling?) poker game.
I love this Pablo Neruda book even when (sometimes because) I can't understand it all.
But seriously guys. Namma is having hip surgery. Whether you know her or not, send her a well wishing. Gramma Namma, across from Danielle's house, provo utah, 846something.
I have aqquainted myself with a couple of girls helping me to find a better homestay location and one girl who runs an after school program I can help with. Que bueno suerte.

I have absolutely no concept of time here, since it's always cloudy and feels like three in the afternoon. Tropical birds are making these absolutely crazy noises that most birds wouldn't even dream of making in polite company.
Going with Nino (who is awesome and doesn't speak English) to the preschool in an hour.
I've been taking pictures, but. Failed monumentally in bringing along a cord for it, so you'll just have to google Guatemala to see what I mean. It was a gigantic loosery thing for me to do.
Managed to pick up some hair gel that is really just a non-adhesive, seemingly non-hair product gel. Miraculously have not needed to go to a hospital yet.
Hasta luego.

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